How much is the Xbox game pass going to be?
How much is the Xbox game pass going to be?

How much is the Xbox game pass going to be?

We already have a revshare relationship with most of the content creators because we have a store I’m hoping we can get to a model where as we see upside, they see upside.

How much is the Xbox game pass going to be?

"My hope is we will get there, and maybe not 100 percent, maybe some hybrid model, which I think could work. Every possible take on the situation is already out there, but this year's lockdown and the knock-on effect on the usual revenue streams open to musicians has brought fresh focus to a system that leaves many of its partners unhappy with how payments are calculated ( this recent Wired piece is an excellent breakdown).

How much is the Xbox game pass going to be?

The usage model Spencer references is most often linked with Spotify, and usually in a negative light from the perspective of music artists. Indeed it's hard to see what other approach would work in an industry where budgets can range from the low thousands to hundreds of millions. This kind of flexibility obviously depends on both seriously deep pockets and a willingness to back a range of projects.

How much is the Xbox game pass going to be?